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Doamna Florica mi-a spus ca se marita cu Dodel apoi s-a pisat in gura mea fara nici-o remuscare.
Obisnuiam sa facem sedinte dese de urofagie de cand s-a scapat in gura mea acum mai bine de un an si jumatate,atunci cand pentru prima data am inghitit pisat. Nu o facea cu rautate cred ca o si excita putin ideea ca o parte din ea nedorita de alcineva,ajungea in mine asa cum si pe mine ma excita faptul ca o parte reziduala din launtrul ei imi inunda gura apoi esofagul si ajungea in stomac. - Vrei sa fac pipilica in gurita ta iubire? - ma intreba mieros de fiecare data iar eu devenit dependent de nevoile ei o lasam sa si le faca in gura mea. Acum a fost un pic altfel... | ||
Feb 6 2024 03:42 pm |
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Mrs. Florica told me that she was marrying Dodel, then she peed in my mouth without any remorse. We used to do frequent urophagia sessions since she urinated into my mouth more than a year and a half ago, when I swallowed whiz for the first time. She didn't do that maliciously,I think she is a little excited by the idea that a part of her unwanted by someone else ended up inside me ,just as I was also excited by the fact that a residual part of her interior flooded my mouth, then my esophagus and ended up in my stomach. - Do you want me to release myself in your mouth,love? - she asked me sweetly every time and I became addicted to her needs and let her do them in my mouth. Now it was a little different... | ||
Feb 7 2024 07:38 am |
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