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Dodel,Floarea's soon future new husband

(Guy, 56 y.o. )Share | Report
Date: Feb 6, 2024 Views: 228 Rating: 0 Comments: 0 ( Post a comment ) Filesize: 229kb
Tagged: ales cand vreau doar floarea maritale tiganca spun ganduri legatura
Fiind concitadin cu Floarea era o prezenta frecventa in gospodaria ei atunci cand era ceva de reparat sau cand era nevoie de alte doua brate de barbat care sa faca muncile mai grele.
Era un obisnuit al casei dar nu m-am gandit niciodata ca lucrurile vor lua o turnura atata de evidenta si categorica.
Nu vreau sa fiu inteles gresit,mai ales ca imi place omul si vreau ca Florica sa fie fericita mai ales ca eu nu am ganduri maritale in legatura cu tiganca,spun doar ca a fost o surpriza pentru mine.
Eu oricum am domiciliul in alt oras si chia daca o fac foarte des sunt doar un vizitator in iatacul Floarei.
Guy, 56 y.o.
Member since: Nov 21, 2022
Rating: 106
Fiind concitadin cu Floarea era o prezenta frecventa in gospodaria ei atunci cand era ceva de reparat sau cand era nevoie de alte doua brate de barbat care sa faca muncile mai grele.

Era un obisnuit al casei dar nu m-am gandit niciodata ca lucrurile vor lua o turnura atata de evidenta si categorica.

Nu vreau sa fiu inteles gresit,mai ales ca imi place omul si vreau ca Florica sa fie fericita mai ales ca eu nu am ganduri maritale in legatura cu tiganca,spun doar ca a fost o surpriza pentru mine.

Eu oricum am domiciliul in alt oras si chia daca o fac foarte des sunt doar un vizitator in iatacul Floarei.
Feb 6 2024 02:08 pm
Guy, 56 y.o.
Member since: Nov 21, 2022
Rating: 106
Being co-citizen with Florea,he was a frequent presence in her household when there was something to be repaired or when were needed another man with two arms to do the harder work.

He was a regular at the house,but I never thought that things would take such an obvious and categorical turn.

I don't want to be misunderstood - especially since I like the man and I want Florica to be happy,especially since I have no marital thoughts with her - I'm just saying that it was a surprise for me.

Anyway,I live in another city and even if I do it very often,I'm just a visitor in Floarei's town,house,bed.
Feb 6 2024 02:16 pm
Guy, 56 y.o.
Member since: Nov 21, 2022
Rating: 106

Dodel stia de la Floarea ca sunt un sugator de pula inrait si un lacom mancator al samantei masculine.

Dar s-a dovedit  ca nu stia tot despre apucaturile mele nefiresti,asa cum le-a numit prima data si perverse,imorale depravate cum  le-a spus ulterior,asta ca sa numesc doar cateva.

Parea ca Floarea vroia sa-si afirme suprematia conjugal  orchestrand  dezvaluirile fara sa se pripeasca si astfel sa-l obisnuiasca domol pe viitorul mire cu noua viata in trialism.

- Ma duc sa fac treaba mica iubitule,te astept in hambar ca sa ne harjonim – i-a spus ea intr-una din zile atatandu-l  obraznica pe el iar mie facandu-mi un semn discret sa ies afara din casa impreuna cu ea.

Mai nou ii spunea lui iubire,alintandu-l iar pe mine ma sau baietel ori cocosel  sau ma chema cu alt apelativ.

Usa de la hambar sa deschis cu un scartait sinistru si  Dodel a intrat si a gasit-o pe Floarea cum se pisa ca o vaca in gura mea.

-  Asa baietel inghite tot ca s-o faci fericita pe baba – ma incuraja ea  in timp imi boteza gura cu un flux copios de urina.

In hambar are printre altele,baloti de paie legati in dimensiuni mari.Cativa sunt asezati unul lang altul si formeaza o saltea  si naturala si din natura.

Pe un astfel de aranjament  furajer a gasit-o  Dodel  facandu-si nevoile in mine.

Se dezbracase de haine si trona deasupra fetei mele,ca o zeita exact asa cum venise pe lumea asta.

Statea cu fata indreptata spre usa hambarului iar eu intins pe baloti  cu crestetul capului indreptat spre usa.

Era pozitia perfecta  de unde putea sa vada ,unde patrunde jetul, probabil ca o bine dispunea  atunci cand imi vedea ochii dar si cand ii inghiteam cascada.

Era buna,din ce in ce mai buna cand isi urmarea interesele.Imi asezase chiar un  sac cu tarata sub cap ca pozitia gurii sa fie cea mai optima atunci cand fluxul patrunde.

Dodel tacea probabil ca era siderat de ceea ce vede.Fluxul a incetat dandu-mi ocazia sa inghit mai usor cantitatea care-mi patrunsese in gura.

Pana atunci ea se urinase  cu fermitate si in permanenta  iar eu inghiteam permanent fara  ca sa inchid gura.

Doar la inceput  cand volumul pe care putea sa-l deverseze era mare,o facea  cu intermitenta ca sa-mi permita sa inghit si ca nu care cumva sa ma inec cu pisat sau sa se reverse a fara din gura mea plina ochi.

Este dedicata dar grijulie si cum mai am spus din ce in ce mai buna.La fel si eu.

- Vezi unde fac pipi iubitule? - a  spus rasfatandu-se si  razand bine dispusa cand la vazut pe Dodel.

-  Am propria toaleta mobila – a continuat incepand din nou sa ma ude in gura.

-  Vino,nu te sfii,am sa termin curand -  i-a spus ea  lui Dodel parand ca-l incurajeaza sa se apropie.

Cand el s-a apropiat,ea a uitat de mine,si-a schimbat pozitia sezand pe vine si a ingenunchiat pe balot astfel ca interiorul pulpelor imi incadra obrajii,dar nu stiu ce facea impreuna cu Dodel pentru ca nu puteam sa vad.

Vorbeau si in limba tiganeasca  asa ca nici sa inteleg nu puteam.Apoi au tacut probabil ajungand la un comun accord si i-am auzit sarutandu-se de mama focului.

Mai tarziu m-a demerit Foarea ca in timp ce se contraziceau,este adevarat  cu glas domol,ea incerca sa-l convinga sa nu mai ejaculeze in ea si sa foloseasca pupatoarea mea daca tot eram acolo.Dar asta nu s-a intamplat cel putin nu la momentul respectiv.Dodel opunea rezistenta cu stoicism.

Cert este ca in tot acest timp Florica se urina.Dar nu numai in gura mea pentru ca nu mai tintea  gura mea anume.

Se pisa pe fata mea in timp ce se saruta intens.Cred ca-i facea si o mare placere mai ales ca ma auzea cum suflam nasul ca sa impiedic urina sa-mi intre pe nari.

Cand a terminat  s-a intors cu curul la Dodel si-a ridicat crupa iar acesta a patruns-o  imediat.Erau plini de dorinta amandoi asa ca eu devenisem aproape invizibil.

Pentru ca ea se pozitionase ca o capra peste mine care eram intins cu spatele pe balot,eram blocat astfel puteam sa urmaresc spectacolul din primele randuri si dintr-o alta perspective.

Cum nu puteam sa folosesc prosopul,care oricum era imbibat de sperma veche a lui Dodel,m-am sters pe fata ,de pisat,cu palmele goale.

Pistonul lui Dodel efectua miscarea de translatie cu regularitate ferm si neindurator iar Florica pe deoparte il implora sa aiba mila de veverita ei batran, iar pe de alta parte il conjura sa nu se opreasca.

Cand situatia imi permitea lingeam acolo unde se intrepatrundeau yinul si yangul si ii dezmierdam cu gura  tigancii pubisul,acum mai paros.

Ciocanul lui percutor intra,in ritmul bine-stiut,nu se grabea,nu mai avea nici varsta ca sa fie impetuos,o baga pana la prasele apoi o scotea  toata ca imediat capul ei masiv sa-i  ciufuleasca flocii si sa-i ameteasca clitorisul patrunzand asemenea cutitului care intra in branza in pizda ei zemoasa,pana la prsele,din nou.

Cand a luat o pauza de la penetrare si a ramas cu pula in pizda Floarei o pentru o mica bucata de timp,mi-am luat inima in dinti si l-am lins pe coaie.

O data,apoi inca o data si daca am vazut ca nu ma respinge  i-a luat intreg scrotul in gura.

Are niste coaie mari de bivol pe care cu greu am reusit sa le cuprind cu gura.

Cand a inceput sa geama I le-am lins si masat cu buzele cu dedicatie.Incepea sa-i placa ce-I faceam eu cu gura si asta era  un pas inainte.

- Ce bine e,sa-mi faci asta  si cand o sa imi vars samanta in tiganca mea – a spus vadit multumit si impresionat.

Imi intrase par pubian in gura asa ca incetasem sa-i  mai  zmotocesc cireasa Floarei.

Dupa ce am scuipat de cateva ori m-am concentrat pe pistonul care sistematic o patrundea  ametindu-I pizda si slabindu-i astfel,chiar si pentru o perioada de timp limitata,vointa.

Cand scotea pula din ea,picaturi sau chiar cantitati mai mari de zemuri cadeau pe fata mea.

- Gata simt ca vine,curand imi dau drumu’,fii pregatit -  a spus el dupa o vreme cu glas suierator.

- Termina in gura mea! –aproape implorandu-l.

- Da Dodele,scuipati plozii in gura romanului,stii ca ii place sa-I manance,nu mai fi atat de gomos – imi timea Floarea isonul.

- Ii plimb prin gura ca sa-i degust apoi  am sa-i onorez cu piosenie,cum se cuvine unor odrasle a unui zeu ce esti – am insistat atatandu-l.

Dodel  nu ne auzea si si in impasibilitatea lui a  ejaculat adanc in pstera tigancii.

Putin dezamagit i-am luat sacul scrotal in gura incercand sa-l cuprind  in itregime cu buzele si am inceput sa-l sug ca pe bunatati rare.

Misca incet din cur,aproape spasmodic,fara a scoate afara din pizda Floricai membrul renumit si isi scuipa sperma calda in adancurile vaginului siluit.

Grohaia ca un porc cand o insemina iar ea ca purcica primindu-i odraslele.

Capul meu  se misca haotic avand zarurile lui in gura in timp ce el ii uda ei incontinuu brazda.

Cand intr-un final a scos mamba lui neagra din ascunzatoare era  albita de zemuri vascoase care se scurgeau pe fata mea de pe instrumentul lui,acum deja flasc…

Feb 14 2024 02:52 pm
Guy, 56 y.o.
Member since: Nov 21, 2022
Rating: 106

Dodel knew from Floarea that I am an incorrigible cock sucker and a greedy eater of male semen.

But it proved out that he didn't know everything about my unnatural attachments,as he called them the first time and perverse, immoral or depraved,as he later called them,just to name a few.

It seemed that Floarea wanted to assert her conjugal supremacy by orchestrating the revelations without rushing and thus slowly accustoming the future groom to the new life in trialism.

- I'm going to do the number one,my love,I'm waiting for you in the barn where we can have fun - she told him one day,teasing him cheekily and to me making a discreet sign to go out of the house togheter with her.

More recently she called to him love, caressing to him and me as little boy or cockerel or calling me by another nickname.

The barn door opened with a sinister creak and Dodel entered and found Floarea pissing like a cow in my mouth.

- That's very good,little boy,swallow everything,to make your lovely crone happy - she encouraged me while baptizing my mouth with a copious flow of urine.

In the barn she has,among other things, large bales of tied straw. A few are placed next to each other and form a mattress natural but also inspired from nature.

On such a fodder arrangement,Dodel found her doing her little needs inside me.

She had taken off her clothes and was sitting on top of my face,like a goddess exactly as she had come into this world.

She was facing the barn door and I was lying on the bales with my top of the head towards the door.

It was the perfect position from where she could see where the jet was entering,she probably had a good spirits when she saw my eyes,but also when I was swallowing his waterfall.

She was good, getting better and better when she followed her interests. She had even placed a sac with bran under my head so that the mouth position would be the most optimal,when the flow get in.

Dodel was silent,probably stunned by what he saw.

The flow stopped,giving me the opportunity to swallow more easily the amount that had entered my mouth.

Until then she was urinating firmly and constantly and I was swallowing  regularly without closing my mouth.

Only at the beginning,when the volume she could pour was large,she did it intermittently to allow me to swallow and not to c***e on her piss or to be it overflow from my mouth.

She is dedicated but caring and,as I said,getting better and better. So am I.

- Do you see where I'm peeing honey? - she said pampering herself and laughing in a good mood when she saw Dodel.

- I have my own mobile toilet - she continued,starting to wet my mouth again.

- Come,don't be shy,I will finish soon - she said to Dodel,seeming to encourage him to come closer.

When he came closer,she forgot about me,changed her position from squatting,at knelt on the bale so that the inside of her thighs framed my cheeks, but I don't know what she was doing with Dodel because I couldn't see.

They were also speaking in the gypsy language,so I couldn't even understand.Then they kept quiet,probably reaching a common agreement,and I heard them kissing with pasion.

Later,Foarea told me that while they were arguing,it's true,with a soft voice,she was trying to convince him not to ejaculate in her anymore and to use my snout becouse I'm there anyway.But that didn't happen,at least not at the time.Dodel opposed the resistance with stoicism.

It is certain that all this time Florica was urinating.But not only in my mouth because she was no longer aiming my hole at all.

Was pissing on my face while she kissing the gypsy, intensely.I think it gave she great pleasure,especially because he could hear me blowing my nose to prevent urine from entering my nostrils.

When she finished,returned with her ass to Dodel,raised her rump and he pervaded her immediately.They were both full of desire so that I had become almost invisible.

Because she had positioned herself on hands and knees over me,in doggie style,me who was lying on my back on the bale,I was blocked and I could watch the show from the front rows and from another perspective.

Since I couldn't use the towel,which was soaked with Dodel's old sperm anyway,I wiped the wee-wee from my face with my bare hands.

Dodel's piston performs the translational movement with firm and relentless regularity and Florica on one side begged him to have mercy on her old squirrel,and on the other side conjured him not to stop.

When the situation allowed me,I licked where the ying and the yang met and caressing with my mouth the gypsy woman pubis,now more hairy.

His rotary hammer entered,in the well-known rhythm,he was not in a hurry,besides nor was longer young enough to be impetuous,he pushed her up to the hilt and then pulled her all out so that immediately her massive head ruffled her pussywillows and dizzy her clitoris penetrating like the knife that goes into the cheese in her juicy pussy,until the hilt,again and again.

When he took a break from penetration and stayed with his dick in Floara's pussy for a little while,I took bit of courage and licked his bollocks.

Once,then again,and if I saw that he didn't reject me,I took his entire scrotum in my mouth.

He has some big buffalo nuts,that I hardly managed to  to encompass in my mouth.

When he started moaning,I licked and massaged his balls with dedication. He was starting to like what I was doing with my mouth and that was a step forward.

- Oh yes is good,do this to me when I'm going to pour my seed into my gipsy woman - he said visibly pleased and impressed.

Her pubic hair had entered my mouth so I had stopped ruffling Floara's cherry.

After I spat a few times, I concentrated on the piston that systematically penetrated her, making her pussy dizzy and thus weakening,even for a limited period of time,her desire for domination.

When he took the dick out of her,drops or even larger amounts of juices fell on my face.

- I can feel it coming,soon I will let go,be ready - he said after a while,in a whistling voice.

- Finish in my mouth! - I almost begged him.

- Yes Dodel,spit your brats in the romanian’s mouth,you know he likes to eat it,don't be so fastidious - held the accompaniment Floarea.

- I walk them through my mouth to taste it,then I will honor them with piety,as befits the c***dren of a god that you are - I insisted,stirring him up.

Dodel didn't want to hear it and in his impassiveness he ejaculated deep in the gypsy woman cave.

A little disappointed,I took his scrotal sac in my mouth trying to cover it completely with my lips and I started to suck it like rare goodys.

He slowly moves his ass,almost spasmodically, without taking too much the famous member out of Florica's pussy and spits his hot sperm into the depths of her desecrated vagina.

He grunted like a pig when he inseminated her and she grunted like a sow,receiving his offspring.

My head is moving chaotically with his dice in my mouth, while he continuously wets her furrow.

When he finally took his black mamba out of hiding,she was bleached by the viscous juices that flowed down my face from his now,flaccid instrument…
Feb 14 2024 02:52 pm
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