Date: Aug 3, 2019 |
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Filesize: 1.5Mb | Tagged: boobs gonna alright woman careful problem pocket knife mine gravity | BBW, as they say. My husband just took a CPR course and being as the Heart Assn and Red Cross are still stuck in the Victorian era, no mention or reference whatsoever is made about our boobs, and that is not right. They need to talk about it. I told him - you'll have to rip her shirt off, and then maybe a slip and hopefully get the bra out of the way too. Slips and bras can be a problem - if you have a pocket knife, cut them away but be careful. Yep, CPR on a woman, you're gonna see the boobs alright. Mine will gravity-sag right out of the way. He checked out how to position himself in relation to my boobs, and so basically a training extension of his class. | |