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Guy, 49 y.o. Married. |
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Oct 3, 2008. Standard membership. |
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11 years ago. |
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Italy. caracas venezuela. |
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Like Girls. |
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A fuck buddy, Erotic story telling, Group sex, Cyber sex w/cam, Cyber sex w-out/cam, A new friend, A private photo shoot, An affair, Hard core action, Casual chat room talk, Anything. |
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speak spanish, speak italian, speak some english.
my preferences white woman married or not, i prefer small feet, big butt but not is 100% necesary... personally i fuck your wife in you presence, fuck she mouth fuch she flower... fuck she ass... and she masturbate me whith she feet is my agradament... ESPAÑOL: mis preferencias son mujeres blancas,casadas o no, las prefiero de pequeños pies y de gran culo, pero no es 100% necesario,personalmente me cojo a tu esposa en tu presencia, la cojo por la boca, la cojo por su flor... la cojo por su culo, y si ella me quiere masturbar con sus pies... es de mi agrado, ITALIANO: Di preferenza donne bianche maritate oppure no, le preferisco di piccoli piedi e du gran culo, ma non e indispensabile, personalmente posso penetrare a tua moglie per la bocca, per la sua figuetta, e la posso inculare... lei se vuole, puo ache farmi una sega con i piedi, e agradabbile per me, WEBCAM "Acept" "Acepto" "accetto" BLOOD EXAMS/examenes de sangre/ esami del sangue "acept" "acept" accetto" FOTO O VIDEO TO SEX ACT "no 100 face Ok" Foto o video del sexo a hacer "ok no rostro 100" foto oppure video dell atto sessuale "ok ma senza la faccia completa....... NOW LIVE IN VENEZUELA, AHORA VIVO EN VENEZUELA, ORA ABBITO IN VENEZUELA
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